Displayport To Fiber Extender includes a transmitter and areceiver, which is a high-speed, HDCP compliant fiber optic transport systemcapable of extending 4K/2K Displayport over fiber cable while maintainingflawless image quality. An Displayport input from a source device such as aset-top box or Blue-Ray player is converted into light pulses by an opticaltransmitter module for transmission over fiber optic. On the display side, anoptical receiver module converts the light pulses back to anDisplayport signals .
The Displayport Fiber OpticExtender supports optical links using either multi-mode or single-mode fiber.These features make the equipment a powerful solution for digital displayapplications that require flawless signal quality over extremely long cableruns.
1.Supports 720p/60Hz, 1080i/60Hz, 1080p/30Hz,1080p/60Hz, 1080p/120Hz,1920x1200,2560x1440,Ultra-HD4K (3840x2160@30Hz)
2.Maxextension distance 300M(MM fiber)/10KM(SM fiber)
3.Supports HDCP,DPCD,DDC2B
Panel Diagram

Connection Diagram